Friday, July 29, 2011

Striped Bass Fishing with Rigged Eels

John Skinner - The Striped Bass Master

I have never used rigged eels yet, not sure if I ever will, but this video is just very good! the scene is taking place in the North Shore of Long Island - a VERY tough place to fish since it is super hard to locate fish from shore...

Watch the master now:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Small World

Three years ago I met a dude who was fishing with a light SAGE spinning rod in the East River... I was like - DUDE, you got to be crazy to use a Sage rod, that light in the East River, during prime season of Bluefish...

After a small talk, I have found out that this dude was from France, and that he was working for Urban Anglers in NYC! Well, a small talk turned into a long conversation and, Nicolas told me about a spot where he just missed a real big one...

Needless to say that I came to the spot and we landed a nice Bluefish, on a SPRO bucktail, the fish was caught by my buddy Charles-Henri and it was a memorable experience since I had to jump in the water to land this fish :)

Long story short, Nicolas and I stayed in touch and he is now publishing a great article on Predators, a french fishing magazine! He is describing his fishing adventure in NYC but on the Fresh Water side! A great Large mouth fisherman!

His great article is below! so enjoy, the article is in FRENCH!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Times

Hi there!

Long time no see, long time no see...

Well, I have been REALLY busy hustling for a new job, a new place and didn't have much time to really fish until recently.

The good news is that I have never been happier and healthier, the bad news is that I have found a lot of reasons for not blogging...

Since last March, I have attended the "Fly Fishing Tour", where I met a new fishing friend, as known as Peter Laurelly, who is also the main subject of my last post! Small world huh! Peter is BY FAR the most dedicated fly fisherman I know and fishing along with him has been, so far a great advendture.

2011 is not a typical season for Shore Fishing, everyone is freaking out about "Spot Burning" so no one is posting on the web, the fish have showed in mass but outside casting range and I personally have been really UNLUCKY since I have missed nearly all the biggest fish that I hooked on...

But the season is NOT over yet, there will be times of glory, fishing in the rips of Long Island South Shore and the Striped Bass will be there!

When they will show up I will have a real ARSENAL of new lures, news techniques along with good friends ready to brave the winds and the waves!

My friends from SEA BASS FACTORY have been really kind and sent me some awesome lures from France, Italy and Japan and I have tried them on the North Fork of Long Island. THEY WORK! This tiny soft baits works beautifully on every species, and got my skunked off my shoulders as early as the first cast!

Keep lurking on this blog, things are moving very fast over here...


In French Now...

Salut a Tous et a Toutes!

Ca faisait LONGTEMPS...

Ces derniers temps j'ai ete vraiment occupe entre changement de boulot et d'appartement les journees ont ete TRES chargees.

Pas trop le temps de pecher mais je n ai jamais ete aussi en forme que ces derniers temps donc c est la bonne nouvelle! La mauvaise c est que j ai pas trop "blogger" ces derniers temps...

De mon cote j ai eu la chance de faire la connaissance de Peter Laurelly, pecheur a lamouche d'exception et realisateur de films de peche magnifique! C est par le biais de l'organisation du "Fly Fishing Tour" qui est un festival qui reunis les meilleures videos de PALM a travers tous les U.S. que j ai fait ca connaissance et vu qu on est quasiment voisins on est alle peche ensemble! Peter est un veritable pecheur a la mouche en mer, dedie a cette peche qui peut etre tres difficile et ingrate... Pecher a ces cotes est un vrai plaisir! 

La saison 2011 est une saison decevante pour le shore fishing, avec des poissons sporadiques et un veritable phenomene de paranoia "spot burning" ou personne ne poste plus ses photos sur Internet de peur de trouver son coin de peche envahi! De mon cote j'ai rate deux tres gros poissons qui se sont decroches et j'y pense encore :)

La saison n'est pas finie! L'Automne approche et j ai un veritable arsenal de nouveaux leurres a essayer et une bonne equipe de potes prets a braver les vagues et le vent!

Mes potes de l'equipe Sea Bass factory m'ont envoyer des leurres et je dois dire que ces leurres venus d'Europe marchent tres bien sur les poissons locaux... Je compte faire un sujet la dessus dans mon prochain post! Ces leurres ont reussi l'exploit considerable de m'eviter de grosses bredouilles sur des conditions pas evidentes :)

Bonne peche a tous et a toutes et gardez un oeil ouvert sur le blog ca bouge tres vite de ce cote et il va y avoir du changement!
